AA Trinidad and Tobago - Structure

Introduction to General Service

     The Twelve Traditions make clear the principle that AA as such, should never

be organized, that there are no bosses and no government in AA. Yet

at the same time, the Traditions recognize the need for some

kind of organization to carry the message in ways that are

impossible for the local groups - such as publication 

of a uniform literature and public information

resources and helping new groups

get started.




     The Trinidad and Tobago Conference structure is the framework in which these "general

services" are carried out. It is a method by which AA's collective group conscience

can speak forcefully and put its desires for conference-wide service into effect.

It is the structure that takes the place of government in AA, ensuring that

the full voice of AA will be heard and guaranteeing that the desired

 services will continue to function under all conditions. Today,

general services include all kinds of activities within the 

conference structure, carried on by groups, areas,

 delegates, trustees and the General Service

 Office (GSO).Usually, these services

affect AA as a whole.   





Communication Through the Structure

     Keeping a balance between ultimate authority and responsibility and

the active, day-to-day functioning of national services

 means there must be constant communication

among all elements of the



     THE GROUP: The communication process starts with the group, which lets the group

conscience - for or against change, approval or disapproval of a proposed action -

be known to its elected general service representative (GSR). The GSR makes

sure the group's wishes are heard and fully considered at the area level and

 that they are part of the delegate's thinking at the conference, the

GSR is responsible for making sure group members are

informed about what went on at the conference

and made aware of the full range

of Advisory Actions.


      THE AREA: The Trinidad and Tobago Conference is divided into 18 areas,

each area has an average of 6 groups and each group has

an average of 5 members. At the area, a delegate 

is elected to represent the area at the

annual Conference meeting.


    THE CONFERENCE AND THE DELEGATE: At the annual conference meeting, matters

 of importance to the Fellowship as a whole are first considered and discussed by one

of the standing committees, then brought to the full conference in the form of

committee recommendations. All Conference members then have the

opportunity to ask questions and discuss the recommendations

before they are voted on. Committee recommendations that

are approved become Conference Advisory Actions.

After the Conference, the delegates reports back

 to the area, working with the group GSRs. At

 the same time, any Conference Advisory

 Actions that were referred to the trustees

are sent to either the appropriate

trustees' committee or GSO

for implementation.

If you have any suggestions for an

improved Conference Contact us




1.  At all levels communication has broken


2.   Groups are not informed about activities of

      the General Service Conference (GSC).

3.   General Service Conference (GSC) not

      informed of the Groups wishes.

4.   This structure works well for a large AA


5.   Groups too small to elect GSRs.

6.   Areas too small to elect Delegates.

7.   At the General Service Conference (GSC)

      the Delegates are less than 2/3.

8.   Usually GSB has 2/3 votes at the GSC.

9.   New trustees are hand picked by the GSB.

10. Trustees Committees are comprised of 99%

      Non Trustees.

11. GSB refuses to implement Advisory Actions.




1. Improve communication by:

    a) Divide T&T into three (3) regions, 

        a GSR is elected by each group who

        elects nine (9) delegates from each

        region. Giving the GSC twentyseven

        (27) delegates.


     b) Each group send a delegate to the  


2. Conference takes an Inventory of itself.

3. GSB takes an Inventory of itself.

4. Reformat GSC annual meeting.

GSC New Agenda.pdf GSC New Agenda.pdf
Size : 67.34 Kb
Type : pdf
Committee Suggestions.pdf Committee Suggestions.pdf
Size : 27.568 Kb
Type : pdf


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